Our marine biologist, Dr. Monica V. Biondo, is attending the 15th International Coral Reef Symposium this week.

International Coral Reef Symposium, Bremen, Germany, 05.07.2022 – Marine ornamental fish are caught primarily for private and public aquariums. Today, more than half of the nearly 4,000 known coral reef fishes are traded internationally. About 40 million marine ornamental fish are sold annually. And the demand is growing!

The potential for over-exploitation of various species is high and coral reefs are under severe threat! Yet there are currently no global systems in place to monitor this. In her research, Biondo shows how the Trade Control and Expert System TRACES database, which collects information on live animal trade for disease prevention, could be adapted to collect mandatory information for the EU and globally.

Learn more about Biondo’s research in the video: